this a lot, I have a couple of Tempo II Macros to help speed this up. I assume you could use MacroMaker to do the same thing.
If you want to retain a blank lines between paragraphs, there is a multiple pass method that is useful for large documents. Let’s use some screen dumps of the change dialog box to show the steps
In the first step shown above we change all cases of two paragraph markers together to some character unlikely to appear normally in the text. I use a double “@" sign to be sure.
In the above pass, we now change all cases of a single paragraph marker to a space
(the space doesn’t show up in the Change To box in this picture).
Finally we change all the double “@" characters back to double paragraph
-- part contents for card part 2
----- text -----
Before leaving this subject, I should note that there are some applications that will do this for you if your file is text only. But I have not found one that was entirely satisfactory since the ones I’ve seen work on the entire file only (not a selected portion). There are also some Desk Accessories that can help. One is Clip Edit. It works well, and I use it a lot. But its use is tedious for long documents. A DA like “Vantage”, or its shareware version “Mac-Sink” will handle this I understand. When the new version of Vantage (which sup-ports word wrap I’m told) comes out I plan to buy it, since I understand it will read Word and MacWrite